Monday, November 26, 2012

Choreography Lessons

Though not in the cast, I happened to be at rehearsal as they were learning the choreography for the prologue and since there were a couple of people missing and it's much easier to figure out spacing if you're not trying to remember that there's an invisible person standing next to you, I filled in as a body and learned the choreography along with the cast.

I learned several things.

1) As amazing as the cast sounds when you're sitting outside watching, they're even more amazing from in the middle.

2) Sopranos can be really loud. Especially when you're right beside them and they're singing really high ear-splitting notes.

3) Even with partial hearing loss from being next to a soprano, the cast sounds pretty amazing from in the middle of them.

4) If the cast does their jobs well then the opening sequence is going to be really creepy. Especially if you're sitting in the front row.

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